Update on UT's financial challenges Quality of education is a priority

The continued rise in costs and a lower-than-expected student intake have led to financial challenges for the University of Twente. We think it's important to inform you about the how and what. But also to let you know that we are doing everything we can to maintain the quality of education. This is our highest priority as a university.

Causes of the financial challenges

It is not only for our university that finances are a challenge. Several universities across the country are facing them.

In recent years, we have faced hefty cost increases. In your own expenses too, you will no doubt have noticed that many things have gotten more expensive. This also applies to us, we are noticing the effects of high inflation. Furthermore, salaries have gone up considerably as a result of a new national collective labour agreement. We do receive compensation from the central government for some of this, but not all.

Also, student numbers are lower than previously expected. In the current year, for instance, there are 6.8 per cent fewer new students than in the previous year. This has financial implications. It is expected that we will not be able to make up for this decline immediately through a much higher intake in the coming year and beyond.

Action is being taken

Already in 2023, we noticed that it was becoming increasingly difficult to stay within our budget. Although there is no acute major problem at the moment, it is important to take action now so that we do not run into bigger problems at a later date.

Across the organisation, we are limiting expenditure where possible. We have done this by looking at what investments are and are not necessary. For instance, we weigh whether or not to extend employees' temporary contracts and whether new vacancies are really necessary. We also pay attention to small expenses, such as lunches at meetings. Because every little bit helps.

In the coming year, clear choices in what we do and do not do are also necessary. All faculties and service departments have made plans on how to make financially sound choices. Three principles are leading:

  • The quality of education is a priority
  • The choices we make must be future-proof
  • We continuously keep a finger on the pulse and make adjustments immediately if necessary.

The quality of education is a priority

Maintaining the quality of education is a high priority. In national comparisons such as the National Student Survey, UT has consistently scored among the best universities in recent years. UT wants to maintain and continue to strengthen this leading position in student appreciation. This calls for priority in staff deployment, but also to keep investing in educational facilities.

Although we expect the financial challenges to have only a limited impact on studying at UT, it is, of course, possible that you will sometimes feel some of it. For this, we ask for your understanding, knowing that we are doing everything possible to maintain the quality of education at the level you have come to expect from us.

Want to know more?

You can find more about the background of our financial challenges on our topic page. If you have specific questions, you can also email info@utwente.nl.

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