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Infrastructure construction works at student accommodations Boulevard

This week, we commenced infrastructure construction works (replacement and rerouting of cables and pipelines) for the student housing at the Boulevard. The activities are taking place partly on the construction site and partly in the surrounding areas. We aim to minimize disruptions as much as possible. The works are divided into 5 phases and will span from week 4 to week 21 with some interruptions. In this message, we provide an explanation of the activities related to the first two phases scheduled for weeks 4 to 9 and weeks 11 to 15.

Activities around Boulevard/Sports Centre - weeks 4 to 9

This week marks the start of cable replacement towards the Sports Centre. During the works, access through the Tartaros cage will be necessary. The contractor ensures minimal inconvenience during the activities. The equipment remains accessible and usable. The works in this area will last approximately two and a half weeks.

Activities Boulevard/Bastille/Vrijhof - weeks 11 to 15

Starting 11 March (week 11), works will commence between the Vrijhof/Bastille and the construction site and student residences. If temporary detours or similar measures are required, we will communicate this in advance via the Service Portal.

The map shown below illustrates the outlined activities.

Overview infra construction works at the Boulevard

What will you notice about the works?

We anticipate minimal inconvenience. Some noise may occur during excavation works for the aforementioned activities. Additionally, there may be disruptions due to closures/detours caused by construction traffic moving around.

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