Forum ECIU University

Join the ECIU University Forum in Kaunas, Lithuania, on June 6 and 7. Debate, discuss and think along with this year’s theme Education for a resilient and sustainable society.

The two-day intensive and interactive event strives to generate ideas, and establish new relationships between ECIU University community members, and encourage educational collaborations.  

The meeting will highlight the potential and opportunities the ECIU University ecosystem offers, deepen connections within the educational community to build a sustainable society, and inspire teachers, researchers, learners, and external stakeholders to foster creativity and enthusiasm for challenge-based learning while sharing their expertise, knowledge, and best practices.

The Forum is a yearly networking event that brings together the entire ECIU University community – focusing on learners, teachers, staff, and researchers.

The deadline to apply for participation in the ECIU University Forum is the 29th of February.

*Please note: only 230 people will be able to attend.  ECIU University member institution can select and financially support up to:

  • 6 students (including 2 student ambassadors)
  • 5 administrative staff members
  • 5 teachers/researchers

Sing up quickly and compete for one of these available spots😉. The selection will be done at member institution level (WP5 and Institutional Coordinators responsible), participants confirmed around early April.

About ECIU

ECIU is the leading international consortium of research intensive universities, with collective emphasis on innovation, creativity and societal impact, driving the development of a knowledge-based economy.

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