Construction works cooling building Bastille Closure of Boulevard Promenade on 8 March 2024

Construction works for the cooling system of the Bastille building will take place starting from 29 February. A small construction site has been set up on the grass field by the pond opposite the Vrijhof building.

What will you notice from the works?

A stairwell will be installed on the facade of the Bastille. See red area shown in the image below (photo 1).

Photo 1

In addition, three lifting operations are scheduled. These lifting operations will take up nearly the entire day.

Lifting Operation 1

During the first lifting operation on March 8, 2024, the Boulevard promenade will be closed off at the front of the Vrijhof adjacent to the promenade. On this day, no one can use the promenade. However, the two entrances from the Vrijhof (from the promenade) will remain accessible. See photo 2.

Photo 2

Lifting Operations 2 and 3

These lifting operations will take place on 8 April and 26 April 2024.

During these lifting movements, the crane will be positioned next to the Bastille, and the promenade will be 'normally' accessible. Note: the promenade will not be accessible to the right along the Bastille. If necessary, the crane may be relocated to an additional setup. See photo 3.

Photo 3


If you have any questions regarding this message, please do not hesitate to contact Jeffrie Agten.

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