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Deans Bart Koopman and Freek van der Meer appointed for second term

The Executive Board of the University of Twente has appointed Prof.dr.ir. H.F.J.M (Bart) Koopman and Prof.dr. F.D. (Freek) van der Meer for a second term as deans, respectively of the faculties of Engineering Technology (ET) and Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC).

“By appointing Bart and Freek for a second term, we ensure continuity within our organisation. That is important given the challenges we face as a university,” Tom Veldkamp, rector magnificus of the University of Twente, states. “Bart radiates calmness and is highly appreciated both inside and outside the faculty. He is solution-oriented and gives people room to come up with initiatives. Freek has a big heart for staff and students, is approachable and has played an important role in the initiatives to future-proof the ITC faculty.”

Bart Koopman started as dean at the Faculty of Engineering Technology in April 2020. Before that, he was a professor of Biomechanical Engineering and headed the department of the same name. He was also a member of the management team of UT’s TechMed Centre.

Bart Koopman on his reappointment: “The first term started with Covid, now at the start of the second term we face very different challenges. I will enjoy working on it, partly because of the support I experience from colleagues and from the faculty, and I am confident that we can solve it together.”

At the same time as Bart, Freek van der Meer started as dean at the Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, ITC. At that time, he was already part of the faculty board, as portfolio holder for education and capacity development. He also held the chair of Geothermal Energy and Earth Resources.

Freek van der Meer on his reappointment: "It is an honour to serve a second term as Dean for ITC and coordinator of UCT and Pre-U. I remain committed to cooperating with the other faculties, institutes, and units of the UT and our many partners regionally, nationally, and internationally. I will continue to contribute to the UT we-feeling with positive energy and intrinsic motivation.”

The Executive Board has enjoyed working closely and constructively with both deans over the past four years and looks forward to continuing that in the upcoming term.

L.P.W. van der Velde MSc (Laurens)
Spokesperson Executive Board (EB)
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