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Grant approved for international collaboration on bioplastics

We are pleased to announce that the grant application of Hubert Gojzewski, who works in the Department of Molecules and Materials, for the VIS (Virtuele Internationale Samenwerkingsprojecten) project has been successfully approved.

This VIS project focuses on designing, developing, and implementing a virtual international collaboration project themed "Bioplastics on University Campuses: A Dutch-German-Polish Comparison of Perceptions and Practices." The involved programmes are:

  • Chemical Engineering (Master's)
  • Applied Physics (Master's)
  • Sustainable Energy Technology (Master's)
  • Advanced Technology (Bachelor's)
  • Nanotechnology (Master's)

The project will be conducted from September 2024 to January 31, 2025, in collaboration with students from the Poznan University of Technology (Chemical Technology, Poland) and the University of Münster (Chemistry, Germany), under the leadership of Hubert Gojzewski.

Project Goal

The goal is for 18 students to collaborate in investigating, comparing, and improving the perception of bioplastics on university campuses in the Netherlands, Germany, and Poland. Students will identify how other students, academic staff, and non-academic staff understand and use bioplastics, as opposed to traditional, fossil-based plastics. This includes studying the use of (bio)plastics on campuses, such as packaging, single-use products, and other applications.

Expected Outcomes

  • A protocol of educational and promotional initiatives that can be applied at other universities to increase awareness about bioplastics.
  • Students who are prepared to act as environmentally conscious leaders.
Hubert Gojzewski

We look forward to the successful implementation of this initiative and the positive impact it will have on international collaborations and educational programs!

Hubert Gojzewski
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