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Elections staff and student section Faculty Council BMS 2024

As you may have noticed, there will be elections for the staff and student section of the Faculty Council BMS (FC-BMS) from Monday 10 June to Friday 14 June 2024. It’s important to vote, in this way you can decide who will represent your interests in the Faculty Council. In this message you can read more about the upcoming elections.

How to vote?
You will receive an e-mail, with a link to the voting program, in the week of 10 June to cast your vote. A link will also be published on the employee and student portal (article on elections). 

When to vote?
Monday 10 June from 9:00 a.m. to Friday 14 June, 12:00 p.m. 2024. 

Who are the candidates?
The attached compilation list gives an overview of the employees and students who have put themselves forward as candidates. More information about the FC, the candidates, the participating parties and electronic voting can be found on the website of the Faculty Council

What is the function of the FC?
The Faculty Council of the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (FC-BMS) represents both staff and students. It consists of five staff members who are elected for two years, and five student members, who are elected for one year. The FC-BMS gives solicited or unsolicited advice to the dean on all matters relevant for the Faculty, its personnel and/or students. The FC-BMS has the right to (not) give consent to key issues such as the faculty regulations, school policy, and the education and examination regulations. 

For questions or comments you can contact the Election Committee BMS

Kind regards, 

Election Committee BMS

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