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Alumni share life lessons and tips with BMT and BME students

On May 27, the BMT programme, led by programme manager Judith Brands, hosted an inspiring event where five alumni shared their career experiences.


Forty enthusiastic undergraduate and graduate students gained insight into the dynamic nature of a career, remembering that a career rarely follows a straight line - and that's fine. It became clear that not everything can be planned and that every step, no matter how small, brings valuable lessons that bring you closer to a suitable position. Besides the job itself, it was also emphasised how important it is to find a good match with the company. Moreover, personal aspects such as relationships, family and health sometimes play a role in career choices.

The main message of the event was that each speaker eventually found a position in which he or she felt fully in place. For example, one alumnus shared his experience as an Assistant Professor at UMCG, while another spoke about his role as Global Engineering & Development Manager at HiTec. A third alumnus shared his experience as an Industrialisation Engineer at Benchmark, while another alumnus discussed his career as Marketing & Sales Manager at UT startup Sencure. Finally, an alumnus talked about his role as Senior Project Manager Medical at PCV Group.

With pride, they looked back on their path, which took them step by step to where they are today, including all the challenges and unexpected twists they have encountered.

The event was interactive, many questions were asked, and it ended with drinks where the students could talk further with the alumni.

The students found it inspiring to hear what a career looks like in real life. It was nice to see that in the end everyone finds a suitable place. We want to organise this event again next year.


Finally, valuable tips were shared:

  • Making mistakes and experiencing setbacks is annoying, but it does not mean the end of the world. You learn and grow from it.
  • Dare to step out of your comfort zone and try new things, even if it is not immediately obvious. This leads to valuable insights and skills.
  • BME graduates can be valuable bridge builders between different disciplines such as clinical staff, engineers and customers; don't be afraid to embrace this role and use your translational strengths where appropriate.
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