Virtual Campus Tours

Let us bring our campus to your living room with our interactive, virtual tours!

Follow the virtual campus or housing tour
  • Where will you attend your lectures?
  • What are the best study spots?
  • What's it like to live on our campus?
  • Would you rather live on your own, or with housemates?
  • What does the city of Enschede have to offer?

If you want to get an online glimpse of our beautiful campus and all there is to do and see, then check out our Virtual Campus Tour

Would you rather know more about your housing options, both on- and off-campus? Then go to the Virtual Housing Tour.

Our tour is optimised for mobile devices. For the best experience, click the link or scan the QR with your phone. 

Rather visit our campus in person?

The best way to experience the campus of the University of Twente is, of course, to visit us in real life! There are different ways to do so. You could, for example, visit a Bachelor or Master Open Day, become a Bachelor's Student for a Day, or book an individual campus tour

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