
  • Which forms should be used in Hora Finita and how should they be filled and submitted?

    Only the new fillable PDF format is allowed. They can be downloaded here but they are also attached to the relevant emails that Hora Finita triggers.

    The T&SP form should be filled by the PhD candidate and signed by both the PhD supervisor and the PhD candidate. The PhD candidate will upload the filled and signed form in Hora Finita. The TGS director will review it and give comments if necessary.

    The First Year Appraisal (Qualifier) form should first be filled by the candidate: sections 1 (Basic information) and 2 (Progress report). The candidate should upload the partially filled form into Hora Finita and should email it also to the supervisor, who will complete sections 3 (Qualifier report) and 4 (Interview on personal performance). The supervisor has to upload the completed form, also signed by the candidate (to acknowledge having read the report), in Hora Finita.  The supervisor can request the delegation of the task of uploading to his/her secretary by sending an email to horafinita@utwente.nl.

    The Annual Interview Form (second and subsequent years) should first be filled by the candidate: sections 1 (Basic information) and 2 (Progress report). The candidate should pass on the partially filled form to the supervisor, who will complete section 3 (Annual Interview). The supervisor has to upload the completed form, also signed by the candidate (to acknowledge having read the report).  The supervisor can request the delegation of the task of uploading to his/her secretary by sending an email to horafinita@utwente.nl.

  • I am asked to fill in sections 1 and 2 of the qualifier (or annual interview) form, upload it to Hora Finita and email it to my supervisor. Why should I upload the form if my supervisor will complete the rest of the form and will upload it later?

    It is important that you document the information you provided to your supervisor before the qualifier (or annual interview) as this might be needed in case of a dispute. Therefore, you run a risk by not uploading it. Therefore it is in your own interest to upload it.


  • Why can’t I log in?

    Use your UT email address and password. If you still can’t log into Hora Finita, send an email to horafinita@utwente.nl.  

  • Where do I find training material?

    In the emails themselves: training material is attached to emails which require actions executed in Hora Finita. You will find a zip file containing a text file and an image(s).

    On the website: a description of all the steps which PhD candidates and supervisors have to carry out in Hora Finita is available on the website

    Training sessions are available upon request.  However, please go through the training material before requesting such a meeting as the Hora Finita software is very easy to use.  Should you wish to request a training session, email horafinita@utwente.nl.

  • I received an email with a link but the link does not work.

    If your web browser is open, close it and click the link on the email again. If this does not work, try the link using another web browser. If neither method resolved your problem, email horafinita@utwente.nl

  • I received an email requesting me to execute an action in Hora Finita but I am not sure how to do it.

    First check if your email includes a zip file.  If it does, open it and first read the text on the README file, then open the images which explain where you have to carry the requested actions in Hora Finita. If you are still unsure how to carry out the action, check the Frequently Asked Questions.  If you are still unable to perform the task, email horafinita@utwente.nl to request help.

  • When I registered my courses in the former software (i.e. ProDoc), I put all the details in the title. Now, these details have been cut off. Can I fix this myself?

    Unfortunately, you don’t have access to Prodoc anymore, so you you will need to add any missing details about the activities directly in Hora Finita.

  • As a supervisor, I have to indicate that the manuscript is free of plagiarism. Where do I find software to do a plagiarism check on the manuscript?

    You need a personal account in order to use the software SIMCHECK. If you don’t have an account yet, you can use this form to request an account: https://www.utwente.nl/en/educational-systems/about-the-applications/plagiarism-check/request-account/

    More information about SIMCHECK can be found here:  https://www.utwente.nl/en/educational-systems/about_the_applications/plagiarism-check/

  • I uploaded evidence of completion for some T&SP elements in PRODOC. However, the Hora Finita dashboard says that I have 0 ECs. How is that possible?

    The figure listed in Hora Finita refers to the number of completed ECs which have been approved or validated by your supervisor. Once your supervisor logs in and approves those activities, the EC figure on your dashboard will be updated. Your supervisor can do this approval at any time but (s)he will be reminded periodically.

  •  How do I approve the T&SP elements of my PhD candidates?

    The procedure is explained here.

  • I entered the details of a course I completed in Hora Finita.  However, my supervisor can’t approve it because it does not appear on his/her list of courses to be approved. 

    Courses can be approved by the supervisor if they have been completed.  Therefore, unless the completion date has been filled in by you, they won’t appear in the list of courses to be approved by the supervisor.

  • I am asked to fill in sections 1 and 2 of the qualifier (or annual interview) form, upload it to Hora Finita and email it to my supervisor. Why should I upload the form if my supervisor will complete the rest of the form and will upload it later? 

    It is important that you document the information you provided to your supervisor before the qualifier (or annual interview) as this might be needed in case of a dispute. Therefore, you run a risk by not uploading it. Therefore it is in your own interest to upload it.

  • PhD: Where should I put the ‘declaration about contribution to multi-authored papers’

    The ‘declaration about contribution to multi-authored papers’ has to be part of the manuscript.  You are free to decide where to put this information.   

  • What constitutes a PhD dissertation and how is its quality judged?

    A PhD dissertation reflects the work of, on average, four years of scientific research and training. The University of Twente recognizes diverse forms and formats of dissertations, including those based on designs, publications, and books. It should be emphasized that the quality and not the quantity of the chapters should determine the assessment by the Graduation Committee. The University of Twente does not impose a minimum or a maximum number of chapters. For more details, refer to the Doctoral Regulations and the PhD Charter, in particular Article 4.

  • When did changes in the Doctoral Regulations as a result of the introduction of the PhD Charter become effective?
    1. All pre-2014 doctoral candidates are being registered in Hora Finita. They receive notifications when their account has been activated, after which they can log in.
    2. When this process is completed, all PhD graduations will follow Hora Finita; which follows the graduation protocol of the Doctoral Board.

    For doctoral candidates who started before 1 January 2014, existing agreements and obligations (such as the training and supervision plan, the annual assessment, the progress interview, and the education programme) as for example referred to in the collective labour agreement, by the financing organisation, the research school and in the TGS programme will remain in effect. These doctoral candidates will follow the procedures that existed at the start of their doctoral programme. As of 2020, all doctoral candidates will have to use the doctoral candidate monitoring system (Hora Finita), including the procedure for the approval and defence of the doctoral thesis according to the protocol of the Doctorate Board.

  • I started my PhD at another university but decided to continue my PhD at the University of Twente. Is there any special paperwork that I have to submit?

    HORA FINITA manual for CVP

    If you are not doing your PhD under a ‘joint doctorate agreement’, you should ask the supervisor in the other university to provide you with a letter. Below is a sample text which covers the issues which the letter has to specify:


    Subject: Transfer of PhD candidate Mr./Ms. X to the University of Twente

     In my capacity as supervisor of PhD candidate X at University X, I declare that I, have no objections to the following:

    1. Transfer of PhD candidate from University X to University of Twente,
    2. Use of the following publications that were (partly) written and/or for which the data was collected at our university in the dissertation:
    3. Publication 1 Publication 2 Publication …
    4. Use of the data collected at University X by PhD candidate X in ongoing/ future papers and/or in future chapters in the dissertation.

    Any relevant contribution by the academic staff of X University will be duly acknowledged in the research output of the candidate.

    Finally, I hereby state that I will/will not continue to supervise PhD candidate X once (s)he officially transfers to the University of Twente.

  • Does Hora Finita have a high-contrast option?

    Yes, it can be selected by clicking on the circle icon on the top right of your screen next to your name.

  • Can a non-UT professor be a supervisor of an UT PhD candidate?

    According to the UT Doctoral regulations, 2 supervisors (promotors) are possible, and formally they have equal rights/responsibilities. However the first of the two has to do all the Hora Finita work. TGS policy/default is to put (full-time) UT professors up front, as they are more familiar with the Hora Finita procedures. However, in case the two promotors decide to have it the other way around, that can still be accommodated, but the consequences (for the non-UT professor) should be taken into consideration. Therefore, with this word of caution, if the wish is to put the non-UT professor up front, it can be arranged by the Hora Finita support office.


  • When can I request my defence ceremony date? 

    You will receive an email informing you that you are able to request a ceremony date once:

    • all your documents are in the system (e.g. master diploma-related, T&SP, qualifier, annual appraisal, T&SP element evidence, the appointment of supervisor),
    • you have completed the 30ECs of doctoral education and your ECs have been  approved by your supervisor and TGS,
    • your supervisor has stated in Hora Finita that your manuscript is near completion.
  • I already filled in the title of my manuscript in Hora Finita but need to change it.

    Request the title name change to horafinita@utwente.nl because you aren’t able to change it yourself.

  • What is the maximum size for the manuscript file?

    The maximum size is 200 mb.  If you need to reduce the size of the file, you can use this tool  Compress PDF – Reduce your PDF Online for Free (smallpdf.com)

  • I filled in the details of the defence committee members and requested the Dean’s approval. I now noticed I made some mistakes.

    Inform the secretary of the Dean immediately. The secretary will reject your proposal so that it is open for you to edit and resubmit it.  If the Dean has already approved the committee, contact CvP to make sure they reject the proposal so that it is open for you to edit and resubmit it.

  • I am a PhD and I want to know how my thesis will be sent to the committee members.

    They will receive an email asking them to log into Hora Finita. Once logged in they will be able to download the thesis.

  • PhD: When must the final thesis be uploaded?

    The manuscript must be uploaded after your supervisor has made the statement of near completion and you have fixed a defence date.

  • PhD: Where should I put the ‘declaration about contribution to multi-authored papers’

    The ‘declaration about contribution to multi-authored papers’ has to be part of the manuscript.  You are free to decide where to put this information.   

  • I am a supervisor and would like to know where should I put the plagiarism check.

    You are able to use SimCheck to perform a plagiarism check but you do not need to submit a plagiarism report.  You are only required to give a declaration. Note: SimCheck has replaced Ephorus and Urkund in October 2019. For more information please consult:


  • Supervisor:  how can I make changes to the committee member’s details (e.g. name, title, affiliation) when the assessment is already approved by the Dean   

    You should contact the College van Promoties (promotiesut@utwente.nl) immediately to let them know which details need to be changed. 

  • Supervisor: Why do I have to fill in the evaluation form as a supervisor

    At the end of November 2019, the Doctoral Board decided to make a change so that supervisors and co-supervisors don’t have to fill in a formal assessment.  

  • Supervisor: When I fill in the names of the committee members, where can I write the titles and roles of external committee members

    On the table, fill in the titles of the committee members in the column ‘comments’.  Do not do this on the column ‘title’ because this column applies only to UT staff. 

  • Supervisor: How do I get the comments and (editorial/minor) suggestions for improvement to the manuscript from the assessment committee members?

    The comments and (editorial/minor) suggestions written by assessment committee members are included in an email which both the PhD and the supervisor receive as soon as all the evaluations are in and the Dean concludes that the assessment is positive.

  • Supervisor: Am I able to read the motivations made by the other members of the assessment committee?

    Yes, if a committee member submitted feedback in de designated box “feedback for PhD and their promotor”.

     To review the suggestions:

    1. log into Hora Finita
    2. click the ‘PhD Projects’ tab
    3. select the PhD Candidate
    4. click the ‘assessment’ tab
    5. scroll down to ‘Feedback for PhD and their promotor from the committee’
    6. click review suggestions*

    *Please note that this is not a mandatory field. A committee member may have completed their review without leaving any suggestions.

  • I am a committee member and I want to know if my comments and suggestions written in the box ‘Suggestions for the PhD/Supervisor’ are sent to them after all

    The committee members have submitted their assessments and the Dean concludes that the assessment is positive.

  • Committee Member: Where can I find the security code?

    This will be emailed to the email address which the UT supervisor provided in Hora Finita.

  • Committee member: Where can I find the final manuscript?

    Hora Finita will send you an email asking you to log in. Once logged in you will be able to download the manuscript.

  • What constitutes a PhD dissertation and how is its quality judged?

    A PhD dissertation reflects the work of, on average, four years of scientific research and training. The University of Twente recognizes diverse forms and formats of dissertations, including those based on designs, publications, and books. It should be emphasized that the quality and not the quantity of the chapters should determine the assessment by the Graduation Committee. The University of Twente does not impose a minimum or a maximum number of chapters. For more details, refer to the Doctoral Regulations and the PhD Charter, in particular Article 4.

  • When did changes in the Doctoral Regulations as a result of the introduction of the PhD Charter become effective?

    For doctoral candidates who started before 1 January 2014, existing agreements and obligations (such as the training and supervision plan, the annual assessment, the progress interview, and the education programme) as for example referred to in the collective labour agreement, by the financing organisation, the research school and in the TGS programme will remain in effect. These doctoral candidates will follow the procedures that existed at the start of their doctoral programme. As of 2020, all doctoral candidates will have to use the doctoral candidate monitoring system (Hora Finita), including the procedure for the approval and defence of the doctoral thesis according to the protocol of the Doctorate Board.

Tasks done by the secretary

  • I am the secretary of a supervisor and I can’t log in to Hora Finita

    Secretaries are only able to log into Hora Finita if the supervisor asked for his/her tasks to be delegated to the secretary.  Supervisors can make a request by sending an email to horafinita@utwente.nl.  Note that approvals can only be performed by the supervisors themselves. The delegation applies the uploading of documents such as qualifier/annual appraisal forms and filling in the names of the graduation committee members in the system.

  • As a secretary of the supervisor, which actions am I entitled to?

    You are entitled to the following actions:

    1. Checking the registration details provided by the PhD at the beginning of the trajectory. This relates to the call-for-action email: ‘Intake UT6’.
    2. Uploading of qualifier and annual interview forms and setting the correct status of those meetings. This relates to the call-for-action emails: ‘Qualifier UT2’, ‘Qualifier UT5’ (only triggered if the qualifier was unsuccessful), ‘Annual Interview UT2’ as well as 4, 6 & 8).
    3. Filling-in the graduation committee member names and requesting the approval of the Dean This relates to the call-for action email: ‘Graduation phase UT7’).

    Please note that your promoter is required to do the following himself:

    1. Approve the Training and Supervision Plan (T&SP).
    2. Approve the T&SP elements.
    3. Approved the uploaded manuscript.
    4. Evaluate the manuscript.