PhD Defence Marcella Hoogeboom


Marcella Hoogeboom is a PhD student in the research group Change Management & Organization Behaviour (CMOB). Her supervisor is prof.dr. C.P.M. Wilderom from the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences.

Both leadership and team research are flourishing academic areas. However, most studies have examined leader behavior and team interaction based on aggregated perceptual recall ratings. Important leadership theories, such as the transformational-transactional model, and team phenomena have been investigated mainly on the basis of static behavioral survey studies. More and more leadership and team scholars question whether these examinations yield insights into the subtleties of real-time micro-behaviors and interactions between effective leaders and their followers. The aim of this PhD dissertation is, therefore, to (1) show how a host of micro-behaviors of leaders and followers are related with enhanced effectiveness, and (2) identify effective social dynamics between leaders and followers in teams. A blend of advanced methods, tools and techniques (including quantitative video-capture and -coding as well as physiological data collection) were used that resulted in new insights into how effective leaders and their followers interact.

The dissertation consists of five empirical studies, plus an extensive Introductory and Discussion chapter:

o   Study 1: Effective Leader Behaviors in Regularly Held Staff Meetings: Surveyed vs. Videotaped and Video-Coded Observations

o   Study 2: Advancing the Transformational-Transactional Model of Effective Leadership: Integrating Two Classic Leadership Models with a Video-based Method

o   Study 3: Physiological Arousal Variability Accompanying Relations-oriented Behaviors of Effective Leaders: Triangulating Skin Conductance, Video-based Behavior Coding and Perceived Effectiveness

o   Study 4: A Complex Adaptive Systems Approach to Real-life Team Interaction Patterns, Task Context, Information Sharing and Effectiveness

o   Study 5: Co-constructive Patterns of Interaction Between Effective Leaders and Followers and Effective Followers and Leaders: A Video-Based, Multi-Level Field Study in Support of Complementary Behavior

All 5 studies have been published or are in the process of being published in impactful international journals/handbooks in the field of Leadership Studies, to which area of academic study the thesis aims to contribute most directly.

Thesis advisor: prof.dr. C.P.M. Wilderom, CM&OB, faculty of Behavioral Management and Social Sciences.

About the author:

Marcella Hoogeboom is currently an assistant professor at the department of Educational Science, University of Twente. Her research interests are in leader-follower interaction, team behavioral dynamics and team learning. She uses a wide range of methodological and analytical approaches (such as quantitative interaction analysis, pattern recognition and sequential analysis).