HomeEducationDoctorate (PhD & EngD)For current candidatesPhD infoUpcoming public defencesPhD Defence Timo Rheinberger | Make a break with polyphosphoesters - From sequence control to biodigradable polymers and biomedical materials

PhD Defence Timo Rheinberger | Make a break with polyphosphoesters - From sequence control to biodigradable polymers and biomedical materials

Make a break with polyphosphoesters - From sequence control to biodigradable polymers and biomedical materials

The PhD Defence of Timo Rheinberger will take place in the Waaier building of the University of Twente and can be followed by a live stream.
Live Stream

Timo Rheinberger is a PhD student in the department Sustainable Polymer Chemistry. (Co)Supervisors are prof.dr. F.R. Wurm, dr. M.A. Hempenius and dr. O. Koshkina from the faculty Science & Technology.