UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsBSSEventsMini Symposium: “Running Forwards”

Mini Symposium: “Running Forwards”

On Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd of February we will focus on running related research at the University of Twente, together with Roessingh Research and Development. On Thursday February 2 nd we will have the public PhD defence of Marit Zandbergen (starting at 16:30). The topic of her thesis is “Moving forwards by going outside: inertial measurement unit-based monitoring of running biomechanics”. One day later (Friday February 3rd ) Luca Marotta will defend his thesis “Development of inertial sensor-based methods to asses physical fatigue in running applications“ (starting at 14:30). Both defences are open to the public and registration is not needed.

Connected to both defences we will host the mini symposium “Running Forwards”, where current developments and future directions in research on running and runners will be presented. The minisymposium will focus on fundamental and applied research on running related injuries while taken into account the runners’ as well as the clinical perspective.

In short:

Thursday February 2, 2023 PhD Defence Marit Zandbergen (starting at 16:30)

Friday February 3, 2023 Mini Symposium “Running Forwards” (starts at 9:30, ends at 13:00)

Friday February 3, 2023 PhD Defence Luca Marotta (starting at 14:30)

The symposium is open to everyone with an interest in sports and/or running related research. Please register for the symposium at latest Friday January 28 by sending an email to secretariat-bss-eemcs@utwente.nl stating your name and affiliation

Mini Symposium "Running Forwards" Friday February 3, 2023 University of Twente, Oosthorst 218

09.30  Walk in with Coffee/Tea

09:45  Opening

           Jasper Reenalda                             Roessingh Research and Development, University of Twente

10:00  The mechanisms of running related overuse injuries

          Allison Gruber                                 Indiana University, USA

10:30  Wearable trunk accelerometry to monitor and modify running patterns

          Benedicte Vanwanseele                 KU Leuven, Belgium.

11:00  Runners perspectives on running related data use

          Armağan Karahanoğlu                  University of Twente

11:30  Short break

11.45  Running related injuries from a clinical perspective

         Anko Boelens                                OCON Sports Medicine Clinic

12.15  Future directions in running related research

         IMMUnity Team                            Roessingh Research and Development, University of Twente

12.45  Closing

        Jasper Reenalda                            Roessingh Research and Development, University of Twente