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Peter Veltink appointed as portfolio holder research of the Faculty of EEMCS

The Executive Board of the University of Twente has appointed Prof.dr.ir. Peter Veltink as the new portfolio holder for research of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science (EEMCS). Peter started in his new position on May 15, 2022.

Peter is an alumnus of the University of Twente, where he graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1984 (cum laude) and obtained his PhD in the area of electrical nerve stimulation in 1988. He performed sabbaticals at Case Western Reserve University in 1989 and at the Sensory Motor Interaction center (SMI) of the University of Aalborg in 1998. Since 2003, he leads the Biomedical Signals and Systems group within the Electrical Engineering Department of the Faculty of EEMCS.

Shaping research priorities
His research concentrates in the areas of human function technology. Peter has acquired, coordinated and participated in many national and European research projects. "Through my multidisciplinary experience and my current role as chair of the Biomedical Signals and Systems Group, I know many people within the faculty, in other faculties, in our institutes and in national and international networks in my field and beyond. I expect this to be an important asset in my new function,” tells Peter. “I think it is great that I can now help shape the faculty's research priorities, help to further connect the three disciplines in our faculty, foster the collaboration with the research institutes of the University of Twente, and connect to societal priorities.”

Passing on knowledge
Peter: “My new task is a challenge to me that fits well in the current phase of my career. I consider diversity in the broad sense to be of great importance for our faculty. Especially, we need to support the development of young staff members.”