CAIDA BGP Hackathon 2016,

Ricardo, Wouter and Mattijs from DACS participated in the CAIDA BGP Hackathon 2016, in San Diego, USA, on the weekend of Feb 6-7. The hackathon had about 90 participants from industry and academia, 50 of those competing in the hackathon challenge. The theme of the hackathon was "live BGP measurements and monitoring", and the challenge participants grouped in 15 teams to explore and implement measurement tools and frameworks.

Ricardo and Wouter joined the Anycast Team that developed tools for the visualization of AS-level relationships from traceroute measurements (RIPE Atlas) and from remote route collectors (RRC). More details can be found at The Anycast team, in the picture, was selected as one of the hackathon winners!

More information on the CAIDA BGP Hackathon can be found at: