UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsDepartment of Applied MathematicsKlaas Poortema receives flowers after teacnhing his last course for Technical Medicine

Klaas Poortema receives flowers after teacnhing his last course for Technical Medicine

"Klaas introduced many Technical Medicine students to the wonders of statistics. He did so with a focus on the student, which also meant that they found their way back to him during their clinical internships when they were confronted with real-world statistical challenges.

Our archives fail us in determining when Klass started at Technical Medicine, but all current staff started after Klaas … This also implies that Klaas educated about a thousand technical physicians (600 graduated, 400 underway). They and we are very grateful for Klass’ teaching"

These are the words from Jasper Homminga, director of Education TM.

Klaas  received flowers from Technical Medicine delegation:  Jasper Homminga (Director of Eduacion TG) ,  Evelien van Dijk (educationcoördinator  TG), and Danielle Jansen-Heskamp.  The last course Klaas taught for Technical Medicine was Medische Statistiek on Tuesday, 1 November 2022.