UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsDepartment of Applied MathematicsAdditional dates for people.utwente.nl photography

Additional dates for people.utwente.nl photography

Get your picture taken for your people.utwente.nl, your social media channels and other UT-related websites.

There are some last-minute spots available for Monday, 3 July and additional dates in the upcoming months.

  • 3 July 9-16 
  • 7 September 9-16
  • 14 September 9-16

Location: Spiegel building. On the registration page, you will also find more information about receiving the photos and what you can use them for.

Upcoming people.utwente.nl photo sessions
Sign up

For questions, please contact onlinemedia-mc@utwente.nl.