UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsDepartment of Applied MathematicsMST and ZGT do not lose patients and lose millions in revenue as a result

MST and ZGT do not lose patients and lose millions in revenue as a result

MST and ZGT do not lose patients and lose millions in revenue as a result,

Assistant professors Anne Zander (left) and Aleida Braaksma received 60 grand for the study. That is a modest amount compared to the millions that hospitals will recover if the data model works. Please read the full article in Dutch on the website of our regional newspaper Tubantia.

Assistent-professoren Anne Zander (links) en Aleida Braaksma krijgen 60 mille voor de studie. Dat is een bescheiden bedrag in vergelijking met de miljoenen die ziekenhuizen terugverdienen als het datamodel werkt.