Embedded AI Lab

We are currently at the start of launching a research lab called: “Embedded AI Lab” intending to investigate the possibilities of applying Machine Learning solutions to problems that are limited in computing power, memory and inference time while achieving acceptable performance. Researchers from the research groups DMB (Data Management & Biometrics) and CAES (Computer Architecture for Embedded Systems) have shown interest in exploring the field of resource-limited applications of machine learning. This interest is driven by the unique proposition of this university in combining technical embedded AI in a societal context. To refrain from only theoretical work, our ambition is to work together with companies to provide meaningful applications and share the knowledge gained using these projects. 

Since September 2023, we have a PhD student working full-time in this research lab and are interested in involving master students with several projects. If you are interested in doing an internship or your graduation assignment within the topic of Embedded AI, please take a look at our available assignments and the general applications that are of interest

Please contact us if you're interested in collaborating with us:

Embedded AI Lab
ir. S.T. Bunda (Sebastian)
PhD Student