

In line with the growing momentum within the mathematical community, and in conjunction with our institution’s commitment to academic excellence, FERM@T, the mathematics education research group within the Applied Mathematics Department, has been established.

This pioneering initiative reflects a commitment within the department to embrace scientific research in mathematics education, marking a significant step forward in our collective pursuit of advancing pedagogical practices and shaping the future of mathematical instruction at the university level.

The work carried out by the group will support the community of mathematics teachers to enhance the educational experience, with a particular focus on service teaching. The group’s central objective is to develop educational initiatives aimed at the advancement of mathematics education. These endeavours encompass a wide spectrum of strategies, including but not limited to augmenting student engagement, implementing innovative blended learning methodologies, fostering comprehensive conceptual comprehension, and nurturing contextual understanding.

The group's mandate includes an imperative to expand the scope of research in mathematics education, with the ultimate goal of producing high-impact publications in internationally recognized academic journals. On a broader scale, the group is committed to fostering robust connections, both nationally and internationally, with like-minded research groups operating in cognate domains. Furthermore, the group actively seeks collaborative research opportunities, spanning across various departments and faculties within the University of Twente, as well as at the national and international levels.