4 fresh Doctors! Tingting Han, Fangfang Wu, Xiuwen Yang and Li Zhang defended their theses successfully

On Tuesday 7 November, Tingting Han and Fangfang Wu defended their theses successfully, resp. 'PROPERLY COLORED SUBGRAPHS IN EDGE-COLORED GRAPHS' and 'PROPERLY COLORED AND RAINBOW CYCLES IN EDGE-COLORED GRAPHS'. 
On Thursday 9 November, Xiuwen Yang and Li Zhang defended their theses successfully, resp. 'SPECTRAL PROPERTIES OF DIGRAPHS WITH A FIXED DICHROMATIC NUMBER' and 'EDGE COLORINGS OF PLANAR GRAPHS'.
We congratulate Tingting, Fangfang, Xiuwen and Li with their newly obtained title of Doctor of Philosophy, and wish them all the best for their future carreers!