Interaction LabNewsWelcome to the Interaction Lab!

Welcome to the Interaction Lab! The Interaction Lab Insider

Who is the Interaction Lab and why are we creating a newsletter?

Hello, students and researchers! The Interaction Lab is happy to announce the first edition of our monthly newsletter! This will be an excellent opportunity for us to share upcoming events and important things happening in the lab. The newsletter will be updated every month. We will use this journal to keep you informed on all the exciting news and updates you won’t want to miss!

If you still don't know who we are, let's have a quick introduction:

The Interaction Lab is a place where different areas of research related to interactive technologies come together. Based on three pillars (Research, Technology, and Togetherness), the lab provides areas to study, interact with, and discover new equipment. Here you can reserve various technologies for your research needs and join great events (such as workshops or free lunch talks) to expand your knowledge.

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