Interaction LabNewsPhilosophy of Technology

Philosophy of Technology The Interaction Lab Insider - June 2024

The Course by Nolen Gertz

The Philosophy of Technology course, given by Nolen Gertz, is part of the Master Philosophy of Science, Technology & Society (PSTS). Introducing students to the field, the course aims to cover many of the world's most important issues nowadays. What does it mean to be human in a technological world? What is the relationship between technology and nature? How does technology impact politics? According to the professor, the goal is to inspire students to question what kind of future they want and, based on that, reflect upon how technology could either help or prevent us from achieving this future.

Interested in learning more about how technology and philosophy can intrinsically relate? Then join our Science Soup on the 19th of June to listen to Nolen Gertz’s insights on the course and the subject!

This Month’s Events

During June, the Interaction Lab wants to create awareness around ethical and societal issues regarding technology. Our events for this month aim to give students and researchers more insights into different aspects of philosophy and ethics.

Ethics Evening: An interactive exploration of ethical discussion followed by a short trivia session.

  • 📅 Date: June 12
  • ⏰ Time: 19:30 - 21:30
  • 🏢 Location: Tower Room (T200), Citadel

Science Soup - Philosophy of Technology: A lunch talk by Nolen Gertz about the Philosophy of Technology course. There is no need to sign up for this event.

  • 📅 Date: June 19
  • ⏰ Time: lunch break
  • 🏢 Location: Tower Room (T200), Citadel

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