Diana Dalenoord

Interviews with alumni

Hi, I am Diana Dalenoord and I have been working as an alumni officer at EEMCS since May 2022. I work with the AM programme director, the board of Abacus and Kwadrant board to see how we can achieve great things together for and with alumni.

For Ideaal! I have conducted several interviews with alumni and will continue to do so. I have asked the graduates why they decided to study Applied Mathematics back then, what they learned from it, what they still use in their current jobs and what those jobs entail. You can find these stories on this page and be sure to click on them, each story is special and definitely worth reading!

Do you - as an AM alumnus - have a nice story to tell and would you like me to interview you? Or do you think I should contact one of our former classmates? Please send me an email.