Tariq works at TNO

Not just working on science for the sake of science, but also for society!

Interview with Tariq Bontekoe by Diana Dalenoord

Tariq at AM during the Twenthe Maths Relay and Board of Abacaus

Tariq has always loved mathematics because it can describe anything - even with the simplest formulas. He decided to study Applied Mathematics at the University of Twente, which was not a surprise. During open days, he liked the atmosphere, the Twents Education Model, the pleasant chats with students and teachers, plus he liked the famous croquettes.

Studying in modules

I enjoyed following the types of courses which gave me the knowledge I needed for working on module assignments. In fact, you can already work on the mathematics assignments in the first module. This is definitely good preparation for when you enter the working world and you need to work on various projects.

Working on projects at TNO

I work as a Junior Scientist in Cyber Security at TNO. I choose my own projects, which are a bit like module assignments, but then 'in real life'. My TNO projects are related to the research topics of the Master’s I completed in Computer Science (track CyberSecurity), in addition to my Master’s in Applied Mathematics.

Keeping data a secret

My combined graduation project was about the balance between privacy and controllability of digital anonymous payment transactions. I developed a secure protocol for anonymous payments. Only the successful completion of the transaction is known to the two parties. I also looked at how scalable it is (can the system grow along with the increase in use) and could it be implemented practically. I used a combination of the blockchain (way of storing data) and zero-knowledge proofs which is a method by which one party (the prover) can prove to another party (the verifier) that a given statement is true while the prover avoids conveying any additional information apart from the fact that the statement is indeed true. For example, you could not obtain health insurance without providing health information. Another example is zero-knowledge proofs can help you obtain a loan by proving that you have a good credit score without disclosing it. TNO keeps track of such new developments regarding the privacy of cryptocurrencies. This is just one of my tasks as a Junior Scientist at TNO. 

Privacy is an important aspect of Cyber Security. Via Secure Multi-Party Communication, different parties can share private data which is vital in the healthcare domain. GPs, hospitals, insurance banks and the UWV all need to work together, but they do not need to know exactly what data is being used.  They need to ensure that patient records are secure and private.

Fast calculations on quantum computers

I also work on quantum computers. These are computers in which the processor uses the principles of quantum mechanics. Such a processor can perform the same calculations in one go (in parallel) over a very large amount of data, which takes a lot of time. At TNO we are investigating how these computers can perform the calculations faster. Many scientists need to use quantum computers because they cannot do the calculations themselves, otherwise, it would take them years of calculation time!

I really feel at home at TNO

Tariq BontekoeI do a lot of research involving mathematics, physics and computer science. Because of my background as a mathematician and cyber security expert, I can solve practical problems. Due to my analytical skills, I understand my colleagues from other departments and I can translate the problems we need to work on and how we can find the solutions. During my time as a student, I acquired the study programme knowledge and was able to develop personally as well. I think this is just as important as obtaining a diploma. Throughout my studies, I was chairman of the board of WSG Abacus and was an education commissioner at the same time. As an education commissioner, I had regular contact with the programme director to talk about educational matters. In the time of my student assistantship, I helped younger students with maths. I was also involved in the organisation of several editions of the Twentse Wiskunde EstafetteIt was really great to introduce VWO students to Applied Mathematics in a creative and fun way.