
 visit the travelling mathematics exhibition " Imaginary,  Power & Beauty of Mathematics" 

Hi alumni AM,

I would like to invite you to our campus to visit the travelling mathematics exhibition titled Exhibition Imaginary, Power & Beauty of Mathematics, on 1 November.

Before the executive board president's opening, Professor Vinod Subramaniam, you can listen to two interesting lectures from the Applied Mathematics Department. Lotte Weedage (alumna and PhD at AM) and Jelmer Wolterink (assistant professor AM) will tell you about their research.

There will be plenty of time to catch up with each other, enjoy a snack and a drink, be surprised by the presentation of Professor Henk van der Vorst (Emeritus Professor of Numerical Mathematics University of Utrecht) at 19:30 and visit the exhibition.

Please register for the alumni lectures by sending an email to

Programme: (all events take place in the Designlab)

16.00 Walk-in with coffee & petit-fours

16.30 Lecture by Lotte Weedage MSc: 'How good is the internet?'

17.00 Lecture by Dr Jelmer Wolterink: 'Imagining with artificial intelligence'

17:30 Break

18:00 Opening address by Vinod Subramaniam

18:10 Reception with drinks and bite, meet alumni and visit the exhibition Imaginary

19:30 Prof. Henk van der Vorst: Folding Techniques for Design, Architecture, and Fashion
         Abstract. Folding became widely known as Origami, the art of paper folding of figures such as flowers, birds, etcetera. The folding recipes have to be carried out in a specific order according to a given recipe. But there is another branch of origami by which the goal is to achieve more regular abstract forms: Geometric Origami. In this case, there is no recipe. The folding pattern has to be laid out prior to folding and in most cases, many folds have to be carried out simultaneously.
Geometric origami has many applications. The patterns are usually constructed using specific software. For my purposes, I am particularly interested in robust and aesthetic pleasing forms, often in combination with my own graphic patterns. In my presentation, I will discuss some techniques and I will give various examples related to design, architecture, and fashion. Examples of folding will also be on display in the exposition Imaginary 2022.
The audience will be invited to follow me in making some relatively simple geometric folds. Folding paper will be available.

I hope you will join us on 1 November. In case this might not fit your agenda, you can visit the exhibition during the week until 18 November.  

Best regards, Diana Dalenoord,

Dedicated Alumni Officer EEMCS