UTAlumni associationsKwadrantNewsKwadrant's first Pub quiz

Kwadrant's first Pub quiz And the winners are......

Friday, 14 June 2024 was Kwadrant's first Pub quiz.
Of course, this get-together in Enschede was again well attended, and 25 alumni were ready to tackle the Pub quiz questions.

Unfortunately, only one team can win: Cas Sitvast, Jos van Asselt, Koos Faber and Koen de Jong walked away with the prize. Congratulations men!

Did you miss this cool get-together? Don't worry, another one will be organised on 13 September 2024 and will take place 'somewhere in the west'.
As soon as there is more to tell about this 'regioborrel', we will email you about it!

So make sure the alumni office (sending your @ address to Diana is also allowed 👍 ) has your email address so you don't miss out on the invitation email.

Alumni Kwadrant Pub quiz - 14 June 2024