UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsMIANewsFemale Faculty Network Twente organises 14th conference

Female Faculty Network Twente organises 14th conference

The Female Faculty Network Twente (FFNT) organises a conference regarding the topic 'Fix the Women or Fix the Institution?' on 13 February from 13.00-17.00 at U Parkhotel. What does the topic entail and what is the programme and the objective? Read all about it in this message.

Historically, efforts to address gender inequality often revolved around empowering women through education, mentorship, and leadership training. However, solely empowering women without addressing institutional biases is akin to placing a bandage on a deeper wound, neglects the systemic barriers deeply entrenched within institutions.  

The Female Faculty Network Twente proposes a thematic conference on the topic “Fix the Women or Fix the Institution?”. The conference will feature three keynote talks by esteemed experts and an engaging panel discussion, that will include both our speakers and Universtiy of Twente managers.  

The objective is to foster an open and inspiring dialogue among experts in the field, academics, and managers, aiming to generate innovative, practical, and impactful ideas. 

More information
More information can be found on the event pageFollow the links for details on the conferencedetailed program, and registration.