Dieuwertje Alblas
Nicolo Bottheghi
Giacomo Cristinelli
Leonardo del Grande
Sven Dummer
Beerend Gerats
Tjeerd Jan Heeringa
Lucas Jansen Klomp
Nida Mir
Julian Suk
Hannah van Susteren
Elina Thibeau - Sutre
Elina Thibeau - Sutre
Weihao Yan
Dongwei Ye

PhD Projects

Ongoing PhD / PostDoc Projects

4TU. Precision Medicine
Phd:  Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis

PhD - Julian Suk

Postdoc 1:-
Elina Thibeau -Sutre
till 14-1-2024

CSC (China Scholarship Counsil)
Physics-Informed Machine Learning for the Sensor Data Integration into Digital Twins

PhD - Weihao Yan 


RU2795  Synapsen unter Stress: akute Veränderungen durch mangelnde Energiezufuhr an glutamatergen Synapsen
 - The tripartite synapse during metabolic stress

PhD - Hannah van Susteren 

Analysis of Geometric Machine Learning Methods

PhD Johanna Tengler to start 01-09-2024

Infinite-dimensional optimization for theoretical machine learning:
SPOT: Sparsity Promoting Optimal Transport regularization for superresolution and data-driven models

PhD - Leonardo del Grande 

 Mathematical shape analysis

PhD - Giacomo Cristinelli

Novel geometric deep learning methods for medical image analysis

PhD - Dieuwertje Alblas 

EEMCS theme team proposal: "SEARCH: Searching the perfect one"
(L.Segerink (EE), C. Brune (M), Ni.Strisciuglio (CS))

 -  WP2: Deep manifold learning of cell morphology and motion

PhD - Sven Dummer


PhD - Floor van der Maarschalkerwaart to start 01-09-2024

 VASCUL-AID (Horizon Europe)
Novel geometric deep learning methods for patient-specific risk assessment and progression of cardiovascular diseases based on multimodal imaging techniques

PhD - Patryk Rygiel 


Fast MRI in prostate cancer

PhD - Nida Mir

LAB “HealthyAI” Siemens Healthineers project
Model-Driven Artificial Intelligence in Medical Image Analysis

PhD: Mei Vaish

How Many Trajectories do we Need to Describe a Dynamics (CURVE ENSAMBLE)

PhD Christian Amend to start 01-10-2024

Single Cell Microgel embedded iPS-cells to map molecular variability of cell differentiation using a systems biology approach (SCI-MAP) (ENW Groot) -

Computational Systems Biology-

PhD - Lucas Jansen Klomp 

Physics-Informed Machine Learning -

Bayesian learning of latent dynamics in computational physics

Postdoc: Dongwei Ye

Physics-Informed Machine Learning -

Scalable & Provable Correct Manifold Learning of Latent Dynamics

PhD - Tjeerd Jan Heeringa

Scene Understanding in Operating Room Videos

PhD - Beerend Gerats

The title to be announced

Postdoc: Len Spek

Finished Ph.D. Projects: