UTFacultiesEEMCSNewsSaxion celebrates Engineering Doctorate (EngD) success

Saxion celebrates Engineering Doctorate (EngD) success

Frank Stiksma and Evelyn Tempel, both Saxion employees, have successfully completed the EngD business & IT prorgram at UT. Within the framework of the Regio Deal Twente, talented Saxion employees, such as Frank and Evelyn, were given the opportunity to further professionalise as design researchers for and with practice. Their achievements underline Saxion's commitment to excellence in education and research.

Saxion and UT joined forces in Regio Deal initiative

Saxion and the University of Twente joined forces to stimulate innovation in the Twente and Achterhoek region. This cooperation took place as part of the Regio Deal, an initiative of the Dutch government that invested €30 million in research and innovation focused on digitalisation and globalisation. This cooperation fits well with Saxion's ambitions to conduct demand-driven research and develop knowledge together with practitioners, as well as its ambition to intensify cooperation with UT in order to better serve the Twente region together.

Empowering businesses in Twente and Achterhoek

The Regio Deal supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Twente and the Achterhoek and meets the need for skilled professionals to stimulate complex innovations. The Dutch government's investment is aimed at stimulating growth and development in these regions. Participation in an EngD track offers several advantages for SMEs. The main one is the technological design that the EngD graduate develops tailor-made for the company. Thereby, the cooperation between Saxion and UT offers the participating company access to the latest insights in the technological field.

Long-term vision

The Regio Deal aimed to boost knowledge by strengthening the high-tech industry in Twente so that they can compete effectively on the international stage. In addition, the Regio Deal focuses on innovations for industry by developing advanced technologies and solutions for products, processes and systems.

Thanks to the support of the Regio Deal, the University of Twente was able to offer special rates to companies for EngD programmes with an emphasis on Digital Transformation and Advanced Manufacturing. This co-funding from the Dutch government encourages digital transformation in industry and ensures that the region remains at the forefront of innovation and competitiveness.

About the Regio Deal Twente

The Regio Deal Twente gives a strong impulse to the realisation of Twente Board's ambition to increase the broad prosperity in Twente, the Gross Twente Happiness. To this end, the Twente Board is investing in a future-proof business community, talent at all levels and keeping healthcare accessible.

The University of Twente is enthusiastic about this cooperation with Saxion and expects a positive impact on our region.