UTFacultiesEEMCSNewsKick-off event FERMAT research group

Kick-off event FERMAT research group

On 17 April, the time had come; the kick-off meeting for the new research group in DAMUT: FERM@T (Fundamental Educational Research in Mathematics @ Twente).

After the opening by Stephan van Gils (department chair of DAMUT), Alma Schaafstal (vice-dean of Education) took the floor and underlined the importance of this new research group and wished the core researchers: Tracy Craig, Fulya Kula and Lerna Pehlivan all the best for the future.

Tracy Craig gave a short speech on the origins and importance of this group. She outlined three ways in which this group can be of value. First, the group can carry out publishable research on educational issues of importance to teachers in the department. Second, they can have impact on the educational environment of the department. Finally, they can help form a hub for the community of scholarly teachers of mathematics. She closed by thanking those present and encouraged them to enjoy the “drankjes en hapjes".

Stephan van Gils adressing the audienceaudience
Head of DAMUT (Stephan van Gils) adressing the audience
Stephan van Gils speech to Tracy Craig, Fulya Kula and Lerna Pelhivan
speech of the vice-dean of education EEMCS Alma Schaafstal
Tracy Craig, Fulya Kula and Lerna Pehlivan listening to Alma Schaafstal
Tracy Craig adressing the audience