UTFacultiesEEMCSNewsThe Energy Management Group at the University of Twente: Advancing Sustainable Energy
Carolien Abbink

The Energy Management Group at the University of Twente: Advancing Sustainable Energy

The world of energy is in full transition and will continue to be so in the future. This change is driven by political and climate goals to move away from fossil fuels and increase the use of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydro. To achieve this, system integration and digitalisation are essential, requiring intensive collaboration across different disciplines, as the complexity and scale of the challenge cannot be addressed by a single field alone.

The Energy Management @ UT Group was established to facilitate this cross-discipline collaboration. It brings together experts from the fields of mathematics, computer science, and electrical engineering to develop innovative solutions for intelligent energy systems.

Prof.dr. Johann Hurink

I see it a responsibility but also as a privilege to contribute to tackling some of the threats and challenges of the climate change we as societies worldwide are faced with – and that I can do this together with a team of young and enthusiastic researchers within our Energy Group at the University of Twente. Hereby it is important but also stimulating to do this within a multi-disciplinary context with researchers having different disciplinary but also cultural backgrounds and in cooperation with external parties. 

Prof.dr. Johann Hurink

Back to the beginning

The Energy Management @ UT Group (often colloquial referred to as “the Energy Group”) was established 15 to 20 years ago, spearheaded by pioneers such as Johann Hurink, a Full Professor in the Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR) group, and Gerwin Hoogsteen, an Assistant Professor affiliated with both the MOR and the Computer Architecture for Embedded Systems (CAES) group. Over the years, this group has evolved into a leading hub for energy management research in The Netherlands and Europe. Today, it comprises around 20 PhD students and Postdocs and several permanent researchers, all dedicated to developing advanced energy management technologies and thereby contribute to the ongoing energy transition.

dr. ir. Gerwin Hoogsteen

I am fascinated by nature and how the whole ecosystem works as a team, but also how climate change threatens this system. The research that we do together in the Energy Group is important to me as it helps to mitigate climate change and feels like an important new addition to the ecosystem.

dr. ir. Gerwin Hoogsteen

Focus areas

The Energy Group is engaged in various projects that contribute to the energy transition. Hereby key areas of focus include decentralised energy networks and demand side management. The group strives for real-world impact and therefore proactively collaborates with e.g., industry and energy communities. In projects like the test beds in Lochem, Olst and Apeldoorn, local energy solutions are being experimented with, encouraging households and businesses to share and use energy smartly. Demand side management involves coordinating the energy usage among devices such as electric cars, batteries, and heat pumps. Hereby, on the one hand, the aim is to let their energy consumption coincide with the availability of renewable energy sources like wind and solar power. On the other hand, this energy coordination is essential to resolve grid congestion issues and to stabilise the electricity grid. To reach these goals, the group collaborates with established companies like Kropman, but also with start-ups like Amperapark  and organizations such as ElaadNL to implement the developed energy management solutions on a large scale, facilitating quicker and efficient development of new technologies and  enabling the electrification for a sustainable energy system.

Challenges and Solutions

One of the biggest societal challenges that the Energy Group tackles is the  integration of variable renewable energy sources like wind and solar power: solar power can drop suddenly when clouds pass by, and wind power depends on changing wind speeds. The unpredictable nature of these renewable sources makes it difficult to balance supply and demand. However, an instantaneous balance between consumption and production of electricity is essential to stabilize the grid as electricity cannot be stored in the system. To tackle this challenge, the Energy Group is developing advanced distributed control systems and optimization algorithms that can efficiently adjust the energy use of thousands of devices based on the availability of energy.

A further major issue is current legislation, which often hinders innovation. Existing laws and regulations can be restrictive, making it hard for energy companies and consumers to adopt new technologies and practices that improve efficiency and sustainability. Furthermore, regulations may not support the integration of renewable energy sources in the existing grid, or create barriers for the necessary collaboration that allows an efficient and effective use of our grid infrastructure. One  example of such a barrier is that currently citizens are not allowed to sell energy to each other. The Energy Group advocates for more flexible and forward-thinking policies to allow greater room for experimentation and the use of innovative solutions. They believe that supportive regulations are crucial for speeding up progress in the energy sector, enabling both providers and consumers to explore and implement advanced technologies. By promoting regulatory changes, the Energy Group aims to create an environment where innovation can flourish, leading to a more sustainable and reliable energy system, whilst reducing the total system costs.

Future outlook

The Energy Group is committed to a future where energy is used more efficiently and sustainably. They believe in the power of collaboration and knowledge sharing. By working with local communities and industrial partners, they contribute to a more intelligent, resilient and sustainable energy system.

Their work demonstrates the importance of leveraging existing knowledge and embracing new ideas. With a focus on practical solutions and a passion for sustainability, the Energy Group remains a key player in the field of energy research. Their efforts not only advance science but also have a direct impact on how we use and manage energy in our daily lives.