Leave me alone Wi-Fi spy

Leave me alone! Hide human activity from Wi-Fi sensing

Photo by Chris Yang on Unsplash

Problem statement

Here at PS we are doing a lot of work on sensing human activities using Wi-Fi signals. We do it for health monitoring and support for the elderly but someone might be using it for less helpful reasons. Can we protect ourselves from hidden spying? Can we build a solution that allows the Wi-Fi to communicate but, at the same time, obfuscates the activities done close by?


The student will use our State of the Art Wi-Fi sensing equipment, and our dataset and build an AI adversarial solution to confuse our Human Activity Recognition solution


10% Theory, 70% coding, 20%Writing


10% Theory, 50% Measurements, 20% coding, and 20%Writing



Alessandro Chiumento (a.chiumento@utwente.nl)