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Appointment of Lisette N. de Senerpont Domis as part-time professor in our group Welcome Lisette

Dr. Lisette de Senerpont Domis

Starting May 1st, we will have a new member in our group! Prof. Lisette N. de Senerpont Domis will be part-time involved in some of our activities, with a focus on smart water systems. The formal title of the new chair is: Smart Ecological Monitoring of Aquatic Systems. 

 Prof.dr. Lisette N. de Senerpont Domis is an aquatic ecologist at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW). She is interested in how different components of human-induced global changes, such as climate warming, eutrophication, emerging pollutants and habitat fragmentation affect species interactions.  Over the years, stimulated by the urgency of the ecology crisis this planet is facing, she became more and more interested in making ecological principles operational for aquatic ecosystem management and conservation.  

Her research spans the continuum from fundamental scientific research to applied research. Importantly, she incorporates smart ecological monitoring techniques to translate fundamental scientific insights in order to address societal challenges. An example of this is the use of citizen science, to enable mapping of aquatic decomposition rates on a continental scale or to raise awareness of water usage.  

She is the co-chair of the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network, a grass roots network of more than 800 members that conducts innovative science by sharing and interpreting high resolution sensor data to understand, predict and communicate the role and response of lakes in a changing global environment.  

Welcome Lisette!