PS Researchers Shine in Cyprus Impactful Publications in the 19th DCOSS-IoT Conference

On June 19-21, 2023, PS attended the 19th DCOSS-IoT conference with a good force!

Three of our PhD candidates presented their impactful research at the conference held in Paphos, Cyprus. The conference provided a platform to share our results and also exchange ideas with peers. 

With an acceptation rate of 23% (20/86), the conference committee recognized our research after a rigorous review process. Our colleagues not only presented their work, but also enjoyed the nice weather in Paphos. Congrats, everyone!

Links to the papers can be found at the bottom, below the images.

[Below] Presenting their research: Kamran Zia, Nikita Sharma, Jeanne Parmentier (from top to bottom)

[Below] The PS Group in Cyprus. Top row: Jeanne Parmentier, Paul Havinga, Kamran Zia; Bottom row: Andreas Kamilaris, Yanqiu Huang, Nikita Sharma

Full papers:

Nikita Sharma, Duc Le and Paul Havinga, "Exploring the Impact of Locations and Activities in Person-Wise Data Mismatch in CSI-Based HAR

Jeanne Parmentier, Filipe Serra Bragança, Elin Hernlund and Berend Jan van der Zwaag, "Terrain Type Detection for Smart Equine Gait Analysis Systems using Inertial Sensors and Machine Learning"

Short paper: 

Kamran Zia, Alex Chiumento, Paul Havinga, Roberto Riggio and Yanqiu Huang, "QoS Aware Slice Resource Management using Deep Reinforcement Learning in IoT Networks"

If you are interested in reading these papers, please contact the first authors. You can find their e-mail ID when you click on their names.