UTFacultiesEEMCSResearchResearch supportNewsResearch Support newsletter - April 2023

Research Support newsletter - April 2023

Welcome to the brand new Research Support newsletter! we are excited to bring you the latest news, insights and updates from the research support department. our aim is to provide you with such a newsletter at least 4 times a year. 

We try to compile the newsletter as carefully as possible. Do you still miss certain content? Or do you have input for the next newsletter? Please let us know.

Awarded grants

Below you can find a brief overview (starting from January 2023) of the awarded grants, the recipient and associated group or discipline, and the grantor.

  • Entire overview of awarded grants



    Group or chair




    G. Rietveld 

    Power Electronics & EMC (PE)



    Y. Miao

    Radio Systems (RS)


    Read more


    G. Heijink

    Design and Analysis of Communication Systems (DACS)


    Read more


    T. Segers

    BIOS Lab-on-a-Chip


    Quantum Delta

    F. Zwanenburg

    Nano Electronics (NE)



    Y. Wang

    Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS)

    EU Horizon


    M. Stoelinga

    Formal Methods and Tools (FMT)


    Read more


    J. Lotters

    Integrated Devices and Systems (IDS)



    T. Segers

    BIOS Lab-on-a-Chip

    EU - ERC

    Read more


    F. Zwanenburg

    Nano Electronics (NE)


    Read more


    A. Franchi

    Robotics and Mechatronics (RAM)

    EU Horizon

    Aviation in Transition

    N. Moonen

    Power Electronics (PE)



    F. Leferink

    Power Electronics (PE)

    EU - MSCA

Awards/Researchers in the media

Below is a short overview of all EEMCS researchers and groups that were featured in the media.

Upcoming calls

  • Planning to write a Veni this year?

    Join the  Veni masterclass 2023/2024

    The individual Veni grant is open for researchers up to three years after their PhD and gives the opportunity to start an independent line of research. This competitive grant is a great stepping-stone in your career. At UT we support your application endeavour with a masterclass to assist you during the writing of your application. This is kicked off by info sessions on the Veni grant on 9 May (on campus) or 12 May (online). Want to know more about the grant? Please visit NWO Talent Programme | NWO.

    You can register for the info session on the Centre for Training and Development (CTD) webpage
    Register now!
  • Funding opportunities with MSCA

    The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) are the European Union’s reference programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training. Amongst the main principles of the programme, there are: 

    - Excellence: MSCA calls fund excellent research and innovation and equip researchers at all stages of their career with new knowledge and skills, through mobility across borders and exposure to different sectors and disciplines.

    - Bottom-up and open to the world: MSCA calls are open to all domains of research and innovation, and encourage international cooperation to set-up strategic collaboration.

     There are four types of MSCA targeting different objectives, whose rounds of applications for 2023 are soon the be launched: 

    MSCA call




    Doctoral Networks (DN)

    Supporting programmes to train doctoral candidates in academic and non-academic organisations. 



    Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF) 

    Supporting career perspectives and excellence of postdoctoral researchers. 



    Staff Exchanges (SE) 

    Encouraging collaborations between organisations through staff exchanges. 




    Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes.



    MSCA initiatives are an excellent opportunity to engage in doctoral programme(s) with colleagues from academia and non-academic institutions abroad, attract talented post-docs and expand networks while working on a topic that fits with own research direction(s). 

    In order to better prepare the UT community for its application to MSCA schemes, Grants Office organised an MSCA Infosession @ EEMCS Faculty on 28 March 2023. Recording and slideset of the event can be found here: MSCA Info Session 2023 for Faculty EEMCS 

Open Science

  • EEMCS Open Access Fund has been extended for 2023

    To promote open access and assure freedom of choice for authors, the faculty board of EEMCS established an EEMCS Open Access Fund for 2023. The fund will cover the article processing charges (if not depleted) for open-access journal articles in a DOAJ Journal or articles in hybrid journals when you need to comply with Plan S. You can more information on the Open Acces Fund on the Research Support website

  • Open Science Community Twente

    The Open Science Community Twente (OSCT) is an interdisciplinary, bottom-up community to promote, learn, share, and discuss OS practices. Our overarching goal is to assist UT in accomplishing the transition towards OS. The OSCT organizes a monthly event together with the Digital Competence Center (DCC). The next one will be on April 20: How to create and publish FAIR research datasets directly from your research environment? 


As the faculty information specialist, Samuel Mok is available to provide support in all things regarding information literacy in all educational programmes. In the current module lectures and assignments were organized in order to help BIT 1st-year & AM 3rd-year students to get started with their literature search process. If there’s any way we can help improve your modules by providing support like this: don’t hesitate to reach out to s.mok@utwente.nl

Research Support

  • New team members

    The Research Support team is glad to welcome three new team members.

  • Research Data Management

    EEMCS has a research data management (RDM) policy. This policy, in combination with the UT RDM policy, gives general guidelines on how to handle your research data such that you minimize data loss risks, comply with legal and contractual regulations, make sure your research is verifiable and your data is reusable. We (the data stewards and the research support specialist) are now rewriting this policy into more practical working rules for different type of research data. If you are interested, have questions or would like to give feedback, please let us know

  • Stimulation Project Application

    The faculty has a scheme (SPA) to stimulate research project applications with a budget of k€100 for 2023. Researchers can ask for max k€10 as compensation for support needed for the application of 2nd and 3rd money stream projects and personal grants. This may involve the temporary hiring of support staff to assist with the application or the hiring of staff to enable the staff member to free up his own time for the application. For more information, please see the SPA documentation file.


Symposium Centre for Disaster Resilience (CDR) 

As part of ITC moving to the campus, the Centre for Disaster Resilience (CDR) is planning to organise a symposium-like event on campus after the move. For this, they would like to try and bring together a diverse community of speakers and participants to really start expanding the CDR community within the UT. As such, the event is intended to spread widely beyond people currently involved in CDR. De CDR is reaching out to research teams in other faculties that work on topics siding with the CDR area of interest. For more information about the symposium to be planned and getting connected you can contact Dinand Alkema

Save the date: EEMCS Research Networking Day

On 21 September, the 2023 EEMCS Research Networking Day will take place, a one-day event, full of fun and interactions with plenary presentations, a poster session, match-pitch-and-win, and drinks. Registration will start in May.

Upcoming events