UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsRSNews & HighlightsYang Miao has completed her secondment to Japan

Yang Miao has completed her secondment to Japan

With the support of the Japanese NICT foreign researcher exchange program 2023, our colleague Dr. Yang Miao went to Japan during this summer where she has conducted dual-band millimeter-wave distributed beamforming measurement with Niigata University (host coordinator: Prof. Minseok Kim, channel sounders provider) and Tokyo Institute of Technology (credit: groundtruth measurement). She has also presented her work in IEICE TC-AP and submitted it to EuCAP 2024.

Dr. Miao has also participated in URSI GASS 2023 as a session organiser (joint session of COST INTERACT and WIRS women in radio science) and session chair; she also became a URSI senior member this summer.
