UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsRSNews & HighlightsCongratulations to Alireza Bagheri on defending his PhD thesis!

Congratulations to Alireza Bagheri on defending his PhD thesis!

This Friday Alireza Bagheri has successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "28 GHz Gapwaveguide-based Phased Array Antennas for 5G Applications", which he did in cooperation with Gapwaves AB in Gotherborg, Sweden. His work provides insights such as the advantages of using gapwaveguide technology for antenna element design in mmWave phased arrays, improving design methodology by relaxing the complexity and cost, proposal of a cost-efficient, high-power phased array antenna system with large bandwidth and high EIRP, and validation of the benefits of distributed deployment for indoor environments.

 Our congratulations to Alireza, and all the best!