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M. Slotboom

Farewell reception Prof Jaap van der Vegt

On 29 June 2023 was the farewell reception in honour of Prof Jaap van der Vegt's eminence.

After speeches by Prof Joost Kok - dean of EEMCS, Prof Willem Vos, chair of COPS - TNW, and Stephan van Gils - department chair DAMUT, Jaap received the gift "Historical Water Atlas NL - the driving force of the Netherlands" from Linda Wygchel. 

Jaap thanked all those present for so many years of pleasant cooperation. Matthias closed the official part of the meeting, after which drinks and lively discussions continued.

Matthias Schlotboom opening the offical part of the farewell reception.dean EEMCS addressin Jaap van der VegtWillem Vos - COPS chair- adressing JaapHead of DAMUT prof. Stephan van Gils addressing prof. Jaap van der VegtMatthias Schlottbom closing the official partLinda Wygchel handing the gift to prof. Jaap van der Vegtprof. van der Vegt showing the presentjaap addressing the attendees
Photo: M. Slotboom
Dr. Matthias Schlotboom opening the offical part of the farewell reception.
Photo: M. Slotboom
Dean EEMCS prof. Joost Kok addresses prof. Jaap van der Vegt
Photo: M. Slotboom
prof. Willem Vos - COPS chair- addressing prof. Jaap van der Vegt
Photo: M. Slotboom
Head of DAMUT prof. Stephan van Gils addressing Prof. Jaap van der Vegt
Photo: M. Slotboom
dr. Matthias Schlottbom closing the official part
Photo: M. Slotboom
Linda Wygchel handing the gift to prof. Jaap van der Vegt
Photo: M. Slotboom
prof. Jaap van der Vegt showing his present
Photo: M. Slotboom
prof. Jaap van der Vegt addressing the attendees