Double degree programme

It is possible to combine an Embedded Systems master’s programme with a second master’s programme. The result is a double degree programme, also called a combined programme. The idea of a double degree programme is that you complete two master’s programmes during the same period. Because some overlap is assumed between the learning outcomes of both programmes, some reductions on the study load can be obtained by combining them.

These reductions are the following (this is the text of Article 3.6 of part A of the Teaching and Examination Rules of the EEMCS faculty):

  1. The student’s programme of courses represents an amalgamation of two (possibly) separate study programmes and satisfies the requirements relating to the final attainment targets of both corresponding Master’s programmes. Depending on the requirements of the two Master’s programmes, there are three possibilities:
    1. combined final project and combined internship, whereby both study programmes incorporate a maximum of 20 ECs from common courses. This includes not only study units that are part of both Master’s programmes, but also courses for which an exemption has been granted for one Master’s programme on the basis of results achieved as part of the other programme.
    2. combined final project, but with a separate internship or no internship, whereby both study programmes incorporate a maximum of 30 ECs from common courses . This not only includes study units that are part of both Master’s programmes, but also courses for which an exemption has been granted for one Master’s programme on the basis of results achieved as part of the other programme.
    3. Two separate final projects, with a separate internship or no internship, whereby both study programmes incorporate a maximum of 30 ECs from common courses . This not only includes study units that are part of both Master’s programmes, but also courses for which an exemption has been granted for one Master’s programme on the basis of results achieved as part of the other programme.
  2. If a single final project is included that is relevant to both Master’s programmes, as referred to in 1a and 1b, the study load of the final project should be at least 100% of the requirement in ECs for the final project of the programme that has the highest number of ECs plus at least 50% of the requirement in ECs for the final project of the other  programme.
  3. If a single internship is included that satisfies the requirements of both programmes as referred to in 1a, the study load of the internship should equal the load of the internship with the highest number of ECs.
  4. Approval for the combined study programme is required from the Examination Boards of both Master’s programmes.


Students who complete a study programme as described above take a combined final assessment which they will pass if the assessments included in their file would result in a pass for the final assessment of both programmes individually in accordance with the applicable regulations. The Examination Boards of the programmes involved will decide whether a student will pass the final assessment. The Programme Board will provide instructions concerning the date of a combined final colloquium.


In case the other programme is from another faculty, this faculty may have other rules regarding the way both programmes are combined. In such a case a dedicated solution will have to be worked out for the individual student. The final decision, as always, will be taken by the examination boards, which both should approve the programme.


Within the Embedded Systems programme you will have to discuss the EMSYS-part of your programme. The same way you can discuss the other programme with a programme mentor from the other study programme. Next you can discuss with these mentors how to combine the two programmes.

Finally you create a request to both examination boards for approval of the combined programmes. Clearly explain the following points:

Before submiting your request to the EEMCS examination board, please send it to the programme coordinator for approval.


C.E. van den Broek MSc (Lisette)
Supporting staff