UTFacultiesETDepartmentsBENewsBE achievements on the TechMed Research Day on 27 June 2024

BE achievements on the TechMed Research Day on 27 June 2024

We would like to congratulate our colleagues:

  • Pardis Farjam (ET/BDDP) for winning the special ‘Valorisation potential, creating impact with the new business' award (Funding agency: EFRO Oost 2021-2027 and our partners in the Thumbs up! Project: Hankamp Rehab BV, Roessingh Research and Development, Roessingh, Centrum voor Revalidatie);
  • Ana Martins Costa (ET/EOST) for winning the 'Discussion Incentive Prize', that was awarded to the young researcher who participated most actively in the discussion.