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Bachelor’s diploma ceremony and CEM/CME Master Thesis Prize 2023

Last Friday, 20 October, was the annual Bachelor’s diploma ceremony. This year 56 students graduated of which 44 were present to sign their diplomas. Of these 56 graduates 31 continue their study in CEM and 3 in CME. The other 22 graduates decided to do something else.

After the Bachelor’s diploma ceremony traditionally the CEM/CME Master Thesis Prize 2023 is awarded. This year there were 4 nominees: Birgit de Lange (WEM), Leon Besseling (WEM), Lianne Cortenbach (TEM) and Abrohom Demir (CME). After pitches by Vasilis Kitsikoudis (Birgit and Leon), Eric van Berkum (Lianne) and João Oliveira dos Santos (Abrohom), the prize was awarded to … Lianne Cortenbach. Congratulations Lianne, and also congratulations to the other nominees. Lianne is currently a PhD student in the TEM group, Leon is a PhD student in the MFS group and Abrohom is an EngD student in the MD group, Birgit works for Sweco. This year the jury consisted of Karst Geurs, Bas Borsje, Léon olde Scholtenhuis and Peter Jansen.