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The launch of ARISE energy platform

On Thursday 19 January an interactive symposium in the University of Twente DesignLab marked the launch of the sustainability and energy network ARISE (Advanced Research on Innovations in Sustainability and Energy).

ARISE is a Twente-based knowledge platform for the development of sustainable innovations for energy-efficient smart cities. The research carried out as part of ARISE should lead to the optimum integration of sustainable, energy-efficient solutions in product development, buildings and local infrastructure.

ARISE was originally created by a team of University of Twente researchers from the faculty of Engineering Technology (ET) and the Science Based Engineering programme (SBE), but other faculties, the DesignLab and external organizations are now also involved. The team collaborates with institutes and companies in Europe, North and South America, and Asia. Together with these partners, the team is focusing on translating fundamental, scientific findings into practical applications in society.

Brainstorming sessions

During the symposium, researchers and students from the University of Twente, businesses, Kennispark Twente and Oost NV took part in brainstorming sessions on renewable energy and circular economies.
Prominent speakers such as University of Twente alumnus Daniël Poolen (TV presenter and founder of The Plastic Soup Enterprise), Albert Molderink (University of Twente and Ipsum Energy), Joost Kuijper (Province of Overijssel) and Gerrit Bruggeman (RTB, The Valley) inspired the participants.

“There was a great atmosphere, and people were enthusiastic,” says ARISE coordinator Prof. Angele Reinders. “The workshops focused rather heavily on engineering subjects, but the creative way of thinking that is typical of the DesignLab made the content clear for everyone. The network has already come up with a lot of good ideas. The future looks bright for ARISE.”

The ARISE community has set up a LinkedIN group, and will shortly be launching a digital forum.