UTFacultiesETDepartmentsDPMWorkshop Life Changing HCI

Workshop Life Changing HCI

Life in Transitions: The Role of Technology in Supporting Well-being in the Heart of Change

In-person, full-day workshop on Sunday, October 13 2024 | NordiCHI 2024 | Uppsala, Sweden 

Call for Participants

Life transitions, whether due to ageing, health conditions, or significant life events, pose unique challenges for individuals’ health and well-being. These periods demand adjustments in physical health and self-care of mental states. Meanwhile, interactive technologies like personal informatics, self-tracking tools, artificial intelligence (AI) driven health monitoring systems and virtual reality can enhance well-being by helping individuals understand their bodily changes; their role in life transitions is under-explored. Therefore, this workshop aims to bridge the gap between the availability of interactive technologies for managing health and well-being and their meaningful use during life transitions. By examining current practices and gaps, we seek to identify opportunities for designing interactive technologies and develop a research agenda to facilitate the alignment of these technologies with the evolving needs of individuals.

We invite practitioners and researchers to participate in our workshop entitled "Life in Transitions: The Role of Technology in Supporting Well-being in the Heart of Change". The goal of this workshop is to bring the NordiCHI community together to discuss and map out the role of interactive technology in life transitions.

To submit your interest, please go to this page.

The original workshop proposal can be downloaded below: