[Reden] Beam models in Modelica

Master Assignment

This project is part of a European union sponsored project to develop hybrid AI models. Reden is focused on friction modeling in that project. We would like to model friction between a beam and a countersurface (either rigid or flexible).

Clearly such a model could easily be made as a FEM model, but this has several drawbacks. FEM models are computationally costly and require the installation of FEM software, and purchase of licenses if it is commercial software. If you want to share the model, then the other party also needs the software and licenses. We are exploring ways to create small and fast, yet accurate models that can be easily shared with our customers.

Certain FEM models are suitable to reformulate as FMU models. FMU is a standard for (transient) models, like step files are a standard for geometry for example. These FMU’s can be created by OpenModelica, a program based on the Modelica language. Many simulation programs can import FMUs. Therefore, this seems an ideal way to share models or reduced versions of it with other parties.

Exploring the features of Modelica (both the language and the program) is a part of this project. The Modelica language is object oriented, equation-based, and developed with creating and reusing models in mind. It allows to create sub-models that can be connected to each other somewhat like in Simulink.

The specific goal in this project is to develop a beam sub-model. A flexible multibody dynamic beam formulation can be used for this. The beam sub-model can later be used to make models that include friction for the European project, but its applications are much wider than that of course. The experience from implementing a beam sub-model will also be useful for implementing other sub-models, for example: dynamic substructures, heat exchangers, vacuum systems, etc. We think that the Modelica environment can be very useful in its own right, beyond FMU generation and model sharing.

Do you want to work on a challenging graduation project and help us discover the power and applicability of the Modelica language?

For more information or questions, please contact: