UTFacultiesETDepartmentsMS3Research ChairsApplied Mechanics and Data AnalysisEducationMaster AssignmentsInduction welding of thermoplastic composites – Process Model Validation and Improvement

Induction welding of thermoplastic composites – Process Model Validation and Improvement


There is a growing interest in replacing conventionally used metals with composite materials for load-bearing components in  the aerospace and automotive industry.. Carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastics (CFRTP) offer a compelling solution due to the ability to remelt the plastic and directional behavior. Induction welding is used for assembling parts of CFRTP, for instance, to create CFRTP fuselages for an aircraft.

Induction welding, shown schematically in the figure,  utilizes an alternating magnetic field originating from a coil to induce an eddy current in a material. The current then generates heat by the Joule heating effect. Important parameters are the input current, frequency and the thermal and electrical conductivity of the material. Model-based predictions are vital in the optimization and control of the induction welding process.

The goal of this project is to validate an induction welding model through experimentation. The experiment consist of comparison between model predicted temperatures and temperature readings from the experiment. An initial finite element model is provided and may be extended by incorporating additional material data.

The experimental work is in conjunction with the ThermoPlastic Composites Research Center (TPRC). TPRC is an independent research center that focuses on thermoplastic composites with the primary goal of enabling widespread usage of thermoplastic composites through joint research and development between industries and universities.

What we seek:

-          Affinity with experimentation and FEM modelling

-          Willingness to learn and think critically

What we provide:

-          A place to work at the UT

-          Engaging research group

-          Opportunity to do research in the growing thermoplastic industry

If you have any questions about the assignment, feel free to ask us!

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