UTFacultiesETNewsSign up for Future of Advanced Manufacturing (FoAM) 2023 Symposium

Sign up for Future of Advanced Manufacturing (FoAM) 2023 Symposium

Join us at the Future of Advanced Manufacturing (FoAM) 2023 Symposium, taking place from October 10th to 12th. We bring leading experts in the fieldĀ togetherĀ to facilitate insightful conversations and explore the latest advancements in advanced manufacturing technologies and methodologies. The sessions will be presented by directors and managers of research centres or groups from several internationally prominent universities

This event provides a collaborative platform for networking and establishing connections among like-minded individuals who share the goal of collectively shaping the future of applied research in advanced manufacturing.

Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of innovation in this dynamic industry. Register now and become a part of the future at FoAM 2023!

Registration form FoAM 2023
Register now

Opening week Advanced Manufacturing Centre

The FoAM 2023 Symposium is a part of the opening week festivities celebrating the launch of the Advanced Manufacturing Centre. The symposium is organized by The Fraunhofer Innovation Platform for Advanced Manufacturing at the University of Twente (FIP-AM@UT) in collaboration with the ET Faculty.

FIP-AM@UT is an applied research centre with a strong focus on advancing manufacturing. We work closely with manufacturers to develop innovative and integrated solutions, ultimately serving to strengthen the industrial manufacturing community and benefit society as a whole.

The Advanced Manufacturing Centre serves as an industrial shopfloor that embodies all competencies of FIP-AM@UT. It functions as a living demonstration and test facility for state-of-the-art machines and the newest concepts in Advanced Manufacturing. AMC/FIP are located across the street of De Spiegel building.

Download the FoAM 2023 Program in English