UTFacultiesETDepartmentsTFEResearch ChairsThermal EngineeringResearchResearch ProjectsHeat Conversion and StorageInnovative microencapsulated phase change materials for direct-absorption solar collectors

Innovative microencapsulated phase change materials for direct-absorption solar collectors

project information

Full title:

Innovative microencapsulated phase change materials for direct-absorption solar collectors.  




TKI Urban Energy




TNO, Raedthuys, Croda, Dutch Solar Systems B.V., Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving.

project description

Direct absorption solar collectors (DASCs), in which the heat transfer fluid (HTF) directly absorbs and converts solar energy into thermal energy, have proved to have higher receiver efficiencies than conventional solar collectors. The incorporation of phase change materials (PCMs) in conventional HTFs offers potential to enhance the efficiency even further. The aim of the project is to introduce and characterize novel microencapsulated PCM slurries (ME-PCMS) for direct absorption solar collectors. The working fluid acts both as the HTF and energy storage medium, following two main purposes:

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