HomeEventsCarillon tour

Carillon tour

About the Campus Carillon, designed by Gerrit Rietveld

Every campus in the USA has a bell tower or carillon. The UT was presented with this carillon by a number of local authorities when it opened in 1964. Designed by Gerrit Rietveld, it was planned to form part of a complete spiritual centre but the architect's death left us with only the carillon. Staff and students provide the music, even though an automated system is also available.

Would you like to know more about the Campus Carillon?

Join us at the Carillon field, where acting head of Culture & Events Mark Weirath will tell you more about this unique piece of architecture. Afterwards you can visit the Carillon and climb to the top, where you can enjoy the beautiful view of our park-like campus. Don’t forget to bring your camera!

On top of the Carillon UT employee Marko Sturm will show you how the Carillon is played.