HomeEventsStudent Union Afternoon Session 1

Student Union Afternoon Session 1 Influencing consciously

How to use psychological tricks to positively influence your conversational partner or a group? In this session you will learn how to convince people. The famous psychological theory of Robert Cialdini will be used to teach you how to apply this theory, the do’s and don'ts and how to protect yourself from these smart strategies of influencing. Now is your chance to learn how to apply the psychological theories!

Join the upcoming Student Afternoon Session:

Influencing consciously            30 April         16:45 -18:30   INFORM | DesignLab

join via the TOKEN SYSTEM

The Student Union Afternoon Sessions will work with a token system. The tokens are available now with discount at the UnionShop for only €3 (1 p.p.) or at the door for €5. This token will give you access to your first session of choice! At the end of the session you will receive a new free token for the next session.


Each quartile, 4 sessions will be hosted in the afternoon, focusing on your personal development, enabling you to reach your full potential. The Student Union Afternoon Sessions will be held on Mondays from 16:45 until 18:30 and will focus on your personal development. All 4 of the sessions are linked to an overarching theme, enabling you to go to just 1 session or all 4 to quadruple your knowledge.The central theme this time is 'The power of presenting yourself'. 


For any questions or other related topics, please contact the Student Union via email: afternoonsessions@union.utwente.


Influencing consciously            30 April         16:45 -18:30   INFORM | DesignLab
The art of asking questions      14 May          16:45 -18:30   INFORM | DesignLab 
Strategic negotiating                28 May          16:45 - 18:30  INFORM | DesignLab 
Speech like Obama                  11 June          16:45 - 18:30  INFORM | DesignLab